Plani Standard Për herë të parë Abonimi 1 Vjeçar
Çmimi origjinal qe: 1159,00 €.Çmimi i tanishëm është: 948,00 €.
  • Siguri e lartë
  • Çertifikata SSL
  • Hapësirë e pakufizuar në internet
  • Trafik në web 3000 GB / vit
  • < 25 adresa emaili biznesi
  • Optimizimi i motorit të kërkimit
  • POS virtual
  • Hyrje me media sociale
  • Plus 60 other new features…​

Introducing our Standard Membership Plan, the ideal all-included solution for establishing a strong online presence. Our experienced team will craft a captivating custom website that perfectly reflects your brand’s identity and values. With a fully responsive design, your site will seamlessly adapt to any screen size, enhancing user experiences. The Standard plan offers essential pages like Home, About Us, Services, and Contact, strategically designed to showcase your business offerings. Benefit from a functional contact form, seamless social media integration, and access to high-quality stock images that elevate your website’s appeal. Alongside basic technical support and security measures, our team will also ensure your website is optimized for search engines. Embrace the Standard Membership Plan and take a confident step towards a successful and impactful online presence.


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